14th Five-Year Nation Key Research & Development Project - Sucessfully held on the starting meeting of New Generation Infant Formula Manufacture Technology Research and Model Project

Release time:2023-05-24 10:37:01 Source:小编 Click:

On 21 May, the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" national key research and development plan "food manufacturing and agricultural product logistics technology support" key special project - "Research and Demonstration of New Generation Infant Formula Manufacturing Technology Based on Chinese Breast Milk Research" (Project No.: 2022YFD2101500) kick-off meeting was held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. The project undertaker is Feihe Dairy, and the project leader is Professor Wang Hui, Dean of the School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. Unveiling the list in command" project.

The project kick-off meeting was hosted by Feihe chief scientist Jiang Shilong. 70 project managers, project consulting experts, project leaders and project participants from China Rural Technology Development Center, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Department, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Institute of Metrology, Jiangnan University, Yangzhou University, etc. Others attended the meeting.

In the next five years, the project will create a new generation of infant formula based on Chinese breast milk research through the construction of standardized mother-infant cohorts, the development of precise detection technology and multi-level efficacy evaluation models, and the innovation of high-life-saving technology. Meet the nutritional and health needs of Chinese babies.

In order to complete the project at a high level, the project also established a consulting expert group, of which Zhu Beiwei, an academician and professor of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, served as the team leader, and Chen Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of Jiangnan University, and professor, served as the deputy team leader. In addition, Wang Shuo, deputy dean and professor of the Institute of Public Health and Health of Nankai University, Chen Ying, deputy dean and researcher of the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Zhang Lanwei, professor and professor of Ocean University of China, and dean of the School of Food Science and Engineering of Jilin University, Professor Zhang Tiehua, Associate Dean and Professor of the School of Food Engineering of Harbin University of Commerce Zhang Na, Associate Dean of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangzhou University and Associate Professor Yuan Yang formed the expert group.

Leng Youbin, chairman of Feihe Dairy, said in his speech that as the project lead unit, Feihe will join forces with all participating units to jointly break through the bottleneck of core technology, achieve more first-class innovations, and upgrade and create a product that can better meet the needs of Chinese infants. Milk powder for the nutritional needs of young children has comprehensively improved the level of industrial application and led the Chinese dairy industry to improve quality and efficiency.

Wang Jun, director of the Industrial Science and Technology Division of the China Rural Technology Development Center, pointed out that "revealing the list and taking command" is a reform of the scientific and technological management mechanism carried out by our country in order to effectively improve the performance of scientific research investment and strengthen the "practical nature" of major innovation achievements. It is a major research task that is urgently needed by the national strategy, has a clear application orientation, and has a clear end user. It is hoped that the "revealing the list" units will focus on key breakthrough directions in accordance with the agreement in the "Military Order", and strive to produce major results in stages. Xu Feiran, the project flow specialist of China Rural Technology Development Center, carried out the project implementation and management training, and gave a detailed introduction from three aspects: the overall situation of the project, the implementation of special project management and related precautions.

Project leader, Professor Wang Hui, Dean of School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, gave an overall report on the project. She said that the project team relies on cutting-edge technology, solid foundation, and leading industrialization capabilities to jointly tackle key problems to ensure the completion of tasks, from Made in China to Created in China, and empower the healthy growth and development of Chinese infants and young children.

At the kick-off meeting, each project undertaking unit made a detailed report on the research background, research objectives, research content and technical route, implementation plan, and R&D team of key R&D. Under the auspices of Academician Zhu Beiwei, the members of the expert group commented on the implementation plans of each project, and put forward targeted opinions from the aspects of the feasibility of the project implementation plan, project connection and coordination, research on common key technologies, product innovation and promotion demonstration, etc. and suggestions.

In his summary, Academician Chen Wei said that the ideas of each project are clear, the team is strong, the advantages of scientific research are obvious, and the overall significance of the project is great. Under the leadership of the leading unit and the project leader, it will definitely deliver excellent answers.