Feihe obtained the first " China Infant Milk Source Gold Production Area " certification

Release time:2023-03-23 10:37:01 Source:小编 Click:

On March 23, "Fresh Gold Milk Source Exclusively for Chinese Babies - Global Conference on the Certification of China's Infant Milk Source Gold Production Area" was held in Beijing, and Feihe obtained the first "China Infant Milk Source Gold Production Area" certification.

Rare environment achieves gold production area

China's industry at “47 degrees north latitude” has obvious advantages, and it has been awarded the special honor of 'China's Infant Milk Source Gold Production Area', which is worthy of the name and well-deserved." Zhou Zhenfeng, deputy secretary-general of the China Dairy Association, said that he hopes to give full play to the leading role and promote China's milk industry, revitalize the industry in an all-round way and achieve high-quality development.

Feihe's milk source is the first to be certified, which is inseparable from the unique natural advantages of the local area.

The Zhalong Wetland, which is adjacent to the Feihe Milk Source, is the largest red-crowned crane habitat in the world, where more than 300 red-crowned cranes reproduce and live here every year. "The red-crowned crane is a national first-class protected animal. Among all the species in the wetland, it has the highest requirements for the environment and is the most sensitive indicator organism to changes in the wetland environment." Jiang Shilong, chief scientist of China Feihe, said that if a place, the red-crowned crane can survive, then it can meet the survival requirements of most species.

Feihe's milk source is located in one of the world's three major black soil belts. Only 0.1% of the black soil remains in the world. It is known as the "panda in the cultivated land" and the soil is fertile. Moreover, the temperature difference between winter and summer here exceeds 70 degrees, the longest sunshine time in summer is as high as 17 hours, and the frozen soil in winter lasts for 6-7 months. The long dormant period has accumulated enough nutrients for the growth of crops, and the permafrost layer as deep as 2 meters naturally inhibits bacteria, which is more suitable for planting high-quality forage, providing daily rations for dairy cows, and ensuring fresh and high-quality milk sources.

In addition, Feihe milk source also has natural alkaline soda water, which can help the cows to regulate the acid-base balance in the body, prevent acidosis, and contribute to the health of the cows.

Relying on the rare natural environment, today, 1 of every 5 cans of infant milk powder in China comes from Qiqihar and Feihe on average. Zhou Changyou, deputy mayor of Qiqihar City, said, "Feihe Dairy won this title, which is a high evaluation of its years of intensive cultivation in the field of infant formula, and also demonstrates the fruitful results of its full efforts in developing the milk industry at 47° north latitude."

High-quality milk source produces high-quality milk powder

Only the High-quality milk source can produce high-quality milk powder. Before choosing Feihe, I insisted on visiting the source of milk. At the press conference, Feihe brand image ambassador Zhang Ziyi shared that in order to choose milk powder for her children, she went to many places, and was finally moved by the rare environment at 47° north latitude in China.

It is in such an environment that over the past 60 years, Feihe has built a milk source base with (40000 hectare)600,000 mu of exclusive farms, 11 self-owned pastures, and more than 90,000 cows.

"At Feihe Ranch, there will be specialized nutritionists who will design corresponding recipes for cows in different growth stages. The daily 'food cost' of a cow is about 100 yuan." Jiang Shilong introduced, in order to make cows eat more nutritious and fresh, Feihe enterprise standard clearly stipulates that the time from the end of field loading to the pasture storage of silage should not exceed 6 hours.

Thanks to the superior natural conditions and Feihe’s meticulous management of the cattle herd, the data shows that the indicators of raw milk produced by Feihe such as protein, fat, colony index, and somatic cell count. Are far beyond EU standards, reaching the international leading level. Jiang Shilong said that in the process of processing, in order to retain as many active nutrients as possible, Feihe not only selected international top-notch equipment, but also applied a variety of breakthrough fresh extraction technologies such as active membrane separation, chromatography, and vacuum freeze-drying. In the future, Feihe will continue to rely on the "14th Five-Year Plan" national key research and development project to create a new generation of infant formula milk powder in China that is "freshly extracted and active nutrition, more suitable for Chinese babies".

The annual report on dairy products issued by the National Dairy Science and Technology Innovation Alliance shows that, compared with the control samples selected in the market, the content of active proteins such as α-lactalbumin in Feihe milk powder is significantly higher than that of the control samples, while bran reflecting the degree of heating Amino acid and lactulose contents in Feihe were significantly lower than those in the control sample. The lower the two data, the fresher the milk powder.

Origin is an important factor affecting the quality of agricultural products. Just as we think of Europe when we talk about red wine, and South America when we talk about coffee, in China, when we talk about Longjing tea, we think of West Lake. I believe that China's infant milk powder industry will also become a bright business card at 47° north latitude in the world. Wei Keran, vice president of Warner Bros. Discovery Group and editor-in-chief of Greater China and Southeast Asia, said that Discovery will join hands with China Feihe to explore the golden production area of China's infant milk source this summer, and record the charming Chinese business card with the camera.